Please ignore the clutter
My blogs meet all
five criteria. Before I publish my posts, I pre-write them in a word
document where I create the initial post, followed by editing and rewording in
areas that may feel clunky. My last step is to plan my images and reference section.
I then delete the images and copy the writing to blogger where I put the
pictures back in and publish it. Altogether the process has taken me only a
few hours per blog post and despite some early problems with my pictures, I think
this system has worked well so far. I plan my blog posts by first reading the
prompt/assignment after class ends. I then take the week to think about the
assignment, decide how I want to interpret it and what points I want to cover so
Tuesday morning when I go to write the post, I have very few issues and am able
to type quickly, though as the expectations for these posts are raised, this
system of pseudo-procrastination may prove to be ineffective. It does feel a little
odd knowing that someone within fifty miles of me will actually be reading
this, probably within seventy-two hours, but because this course is not face to
face it is easier to not really even think about it and just act like I’m writing
an odd essay style journal.
Hi Ben. Your blogs do meet most criteria but an area you can improve on for this post at least is word count. Your image is correct, content responds to instructions, and grammar is at college level. I like your method of typing it out in a word document first to make sure everything is aligned and to your liking, I think I will try that myself!